Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Females with Fragile X Premutation
What is the study about? We want to understand social preferences and mental health in girls and women with the fragile X premutation.
Who can take part? We are looking for girls and women (16-50 years old) with the fragile x premutation.
What does it involve? Participation involves two sessions (in-person and remote), including clinical interviews, eye-tracking tasks, self-report questionnaires and a saliva sample. Each session will take 1-1.5h. The total duration will be 3 hours. You can visit us at the University of Surrey to take part, or we can visit you at home. You will also be reimbursed for your time and travel expenses if you decide to travel to the university.
How can I take part? Please email gillian.hughes@surrey.ac.uk for more details
This study has received a favourable ethical opinion (FHMS 21-22 084 EGA)
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